21. A man starts from a point, walks 15 metres towards EAst.tirms ;eft amd wals 10 metres, turns right again and walks.Towards which direction is he now walking?
  A.  North
  B.  East
  C.  West
  D.  South
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22. If Mohan sees the rising sun behind the temple and the setting sun behind the railway station from his house,what is the direction of the temple from the railway station?
  A.  South
  B.  North
  C.  East
  D.  West
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23. I started walking down a road in the morning facing the Sun.After walking for sometime I turned to my left.Then I turned to my right.In which direction was I going then?
  A.  South
  B.  West
  C.  North
  D.  East
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24. Roopa starts from a point and walks 15 metres towards west,turns left and walks 12 metre,turns ringht again and walks.What is the direction she is now facing?
  A.  South
  B.  North
  C.  West
  D.  East
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25. A man starts his journey facing the sun early morning.He then turns rihght and walks 2 km.He then walks 3km after turnning right again.Which is the direction he is facing now?
  A.  North-East
  B.  West
  C.  North
  D.  South
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26. Roy walks 2 km to East,then turns North-West and walks 3 km.Then he turns South and walks 5km.Then again he turns West and Walks 2 km.Finally he turns North and walks 6 km.In which direction ,is he from the starting point?
  A.  South-West
  B.  South-East
  C.  North-West
  D.  North-East
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27. Snamitra starts from his house and walks 3 km towards north.Then he turns ringht and walks 2km and then turns right and walks 5km,then turns right and walks 2km and then again turns right and walks 2km.Which direction is he facing now?
  A.  East
  B.  South
  C.  West
  D.  North
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28. Ramesh walked 3km.towards West and turned to his left and walked 2km.He,then turned to his right and walked 3km.Finally,he turned to his right again and walked another 2km.In which direction is Ramesh from his starting point now?
  A.  East
  B.  West
  C.  North
  D.  South
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29. 'A' starts walking towards North,turns lef,again turns left,turns right,again turns ringht,once again turns left.In which direction is 'A' walking now?
  A.  East
  B.  South
  C.  West
  D.  South-East
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30. X walks southwards and then turns right,then left and then right.In which direction is he moving now?
  A.  South
  B.  North
  C.  West
  D.  South West
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