71. Ram starts from his house and walks 4 kms North,then 3kms West,then 8kms South. How many kilometres away from his home was he?
  A.  6 km
  B.  5 km
  C.  7 km
  D.  8 km
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72. Shila and Belah start from their office and walk in opposite direction each travelling 10 kms.Sheila then turns left and walks 10 kms.Belah turns right and walks 10 km. How far are they now from each other?
  A.  10 km
  B.  8 km
  C.  20 km
  D.  5 km
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73. A and B both are walking away form point 'X'.A walked 3 m and B walked 4 m from it,then A walked 4 m north of 'X' and B walked 5m south of A.What is the distance between them now?
  A.  9.5 m
  B.  9 m
  C.  11.40 m
  D.  16 m
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74. One day,Nita left home and cycled 10 km southwards,turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km.How many kilometres will she have to cycle to reach her home straight?
  A.  15 km
  B.  10 km
  C.  20 km
  D.  25 km
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75. Rajat moves from his office to the canteen straight at a distance of 12 metres.Then he turned left and walked for 2 metres.Then he turns left again and walks straight for 12 metres.How far is he from his office.
  A.  10 metres
  B.  12 metres
  C.  2 metres
  D.  8 metres
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76. Seema walks 30 m North.Then she turns right and walks 30 m then she turns right and walks 55 m .Then she turns left and walks 20m.Then she again turns left and walks 25 m. How many metres away is she from her originanl position?
  A.  45 metres
  B.  50 metres
  C.  60 metres
  D.  55 metres
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77. Sonia started from her house and travelled 4 km towards east.Then she turned left and travelled 6 km.Then she turned right and travelled 4 km.Now at what distance is she from starting point?
  A.  14 km
  B.  8 km
  C.  5 km
  D.  10 km
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78. A boat moves from a jetty towards East.After sailing for 9 nautical miles,she turns towards right and covers another 12 nautical miles.If she wants to go back to the jetty what is the shortest distance now from her present position?
  A.  21 nautical miles
  B.  20 nautical miles
  C.  15 nautical miles
  D.  18 nautical miles
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79. A postman starts delivering letters 3 km southwards and then turns right. He covers 4 km on this road and again turns right.He delivers letters for 3 km and completes his daily beat.Then,he turns left for lunch at home,which is 5 km away .How far has he to travel to reach the post office after lunch?
  A.  15 km
  B.  10 km
  C.  9 km
  D.  8 km
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80. Ram walks 2 km to the East ,then he turns to South and walks 6 km.He again turns to East and walks 2 km.Then he turns to North and walks 12 km.How far is he from the starting point?
  A.  7 km
  B.  7.2 km
  C.  7.1 km
  D.  7.3 km
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