81. From her home facing south west,kavita walks 15 m and turns Northward and Walks 12 m.How far was she from her home,which was her starting point ?
  A.  9 metres
  B.  10 metres
  C.  15 metres
  D.  12 metres
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82. Arjun starts from school and walks 4 km towards West,turns right and walks 3 km.Then he planned to return back to school,but only in the shortest path.What is the shortest distance between the school and the point where he stopped?
  A.  3 km
  B.  5 km
  C.  25 km
  D.  16 km
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83. A man starts journey form home.He goes 5 kms to the North,then proceeds 10 kms to the right.From there he again turns right and goes 10 kms.How far is he from home?All distances are measured aerially?
  A.  √200
  B.  √150
  C.  √125
  D.  √225
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84. Sohan drove 15 kms,to the west from his house, then turned left and walked 20 kms.He then turned East and Walked 25 kms. and finally turning left covered 20 kms.How far he is from his house?
  A.  5 kms
  B.  40 kms
  C.  10 kms
  D.  80 kms
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85. Veena and Veeru both start from a point towards North.Veena turns to left after walking 10 km.Veeru turns to right after walking the same distance.Veena waits for some time and then walks another 5 km .Whereas Veeru walks only 3 km.They both then return towards South and walk 15 km forward.How far is Veena from Veeru?
  A.  8 km
  B.  15 km
  C.  12 km
  D.  10 km
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86. Raju drives 25 km North and turns left and travels 5 km and reaches point'O'.He then turns right and covers another 5 kms.Afterwards turns to east and drives 5 km. How much distance he has to travel to go back to the starting point?
  A.  35 kms
  B.  25 kms
  C.  20 kms
  D.  30 kms
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87. Laxmi went 10 km to the west form my house,then turned left and walked 20 kms.She then turned East and walked 25 kms and finally turning left covered 20 kms.How far was she from my house?
  A.  15 kms
  B.  10 kms
  C.  5 kms
  D.  40 kms
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88. If Sita walks 10 km towards West,then turned towards South and walked 10 km,then turned East walked 10 km , and turned North walked 10 km.How far she is from starting point?
  A.  0 km
  B.  40 km
  C.  10 km
  D.  20 km
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89. Q walked 20 m towards west,took a left turn and walked 20 m.He then took a right turn and walked 20 m and again took a right turn and walked 20 m.How far is Q now from the starting point?
  A.  120 m
  B.  40 m
  C.  50 m
  D.  80 m
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90. After going 80m from his house towards east,a person turns left and goes 20m,then turns right and moves 100m,then turns left and goes 60m,then turns right and goes 120m to reach the park. What is the distance between his house and the park?
  A.  220.50 metre
  B.  380 metre
  C.  300.50 metre
  D.  310.50 metre
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