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Directions (Questions 21 to 25) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Of the five boys A, B, C, D and E two are good, one is poor and two are average in studies. Two of them study in post-graduate classes and three in under-graduate classes. One comes from a rich family, two from middle-class families and two from poor families. One of them is interested in musiC, two in acting and one in sDorts. Of those studying in under-graduate ciasses, wo are average and one is poor in studies. Of the two boys interested m acing, one 1s a post-graduate student, The one interested in music comes from a middle-class family. Both the bovs interested in acting are not industrious. The two Doys coming trom middle-class families are average in studies and one of them 1s nerested 1n acting. The boy interested in sports comes from a poor family, while the one interested in music is industrious. E is industrious, good in studies, comes ron a poor family and is not interested in acting, music or sports. C is poor in stuaes nsplte ot being industrious, A comes from a rich family and is not industrious but good in studies. B is industrious and comes from a nmiddle-class family.

21. Name the boy interested in sports.
  A.  B
  B.  C
  C.  D
  D.  A
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22. Name the boy interested in music.
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  A
  D.  C
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23. Name the middle-class family boy interested in acting.
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  A
  D.  C
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24. Name the boys studying in post-graduate classes.
  A.  A, D
  B.  A, E
  C.  B, C
  D.  D, E
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25. Name the boy who is not industrious and is average in studies.
  A.  D
  B.  C
  C.  B
  D.  A
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Directions : Questions 16 to 20 are based on the information given below. Study it carefully and choose the correct alternative in each question.
(i) There are eight faculty members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in the institute, each teaching a different subject.
(ii) There are three lady members and of the eight, four are holding Ph.D. Degree.
(iii) E teaches Psychology and is Ph.D. A teaches Chemistry.
(iv) The one who teaches Economics is not Ph.D. No lady member teaches either Commerce or Law. Law faculty does not award Ph.D.
(v) D and G do not teach either Commerce or Physics.
(vi) H and C are lady members and are not Ph.D. F who is Ph.D. teaches Zoology.
(vii) B and G are Ph.Ds and G is a lady member.

16. Who is a horticulturist?
  A.  B
  B.  C
  C.  D
  D.  A
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17. Who is an industrialist?
  A.  C
  B.  A
  C.  B
  D.  D
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8. Which of the following groups Incudes a person who likes tea but is not an advocate?
  A.  ACE
  B.  DE
  C.  BCE
  D.  None of these
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9. Who is a physicist?
  A.  D
  B.  C
  C.  B
  D.  A
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10. Which of the statements above is superfluous ?
  A.  (i) Case
  B.  (ii) Case
  C.  (iii) Case
  D.  None of these
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