181. Epitaph – an inscription on a tombstone
  A.  Dactylology
  B.  Cryogenics
  C.  Chromatics
  D.  Calligraphy
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182. Misanthrope – a person who hates and avoids other people
  A.  Altophobia
  B.  Agoraphobia
  C.  Domatophobia
  D.  Pedophobia
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183. Animism – the belief that plants, objects and natural things each have a living soul
  A.  Hedonist
  B.  Misologist
  C.  Demagogue
  D.  Libertine
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184. Anachronism – a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present
  A.  Pedophobia
  B.  Xenophobia
  C.  Claustrophobia
  D.  Elurophobia
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185. Vandal – a person who deliberately destroys/damages public property
  A.  Coquette
  B.  Concubine
  C.  Pimp
  D.  Whore
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186. Trivial – not important or serious // not worth considering
  A.  Expatriate
  B.  Masochist
  C.  Curator
  D.  Connoisseur
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187. Sycophant – a person who praises important or powerful people too much and in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get something from them
  A.  Kleptomania
  B.  Philistine
  C.  Soliloquy
  D.  Translucent
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188. Rhetoric – speech/writing that is intended to influence people, but that is not completely honest/sincere
  A.  Dilettante
  B.  Reticent
  C.  Bigot
  D.  Ineffable
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189. Pyromania – an obsessive desire to set fire to things
  A.  Cynic
  B.  Debonair
  C.  Fanatic
  D.  Pedant
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190. Mystic – a person who tries to become united with god through prayer and meditation and so understand important things that are beyond normal human understanding
  A.  Polyglot
  B.  Imposter
  C.  Philatelist
  D.  Epicure
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