81. A fear of work
  A.  Ergophobia
  B.  Mageirocophobia
  C.  Tonitrophobia
  D.  Amaxophobia
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82. A person who regards the whole world as his country
  A.  Vagabond
  B.  Cosmopolitan
  C.  Itinerant
  D.  Mendicant
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83. A husband ruled by his wife
  A.  Malingerer
  B.  Henpecked
  C.  Skulker
  D.  Poltroon
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84. Fear of dogs
  A.  Cynophobia
  B.  Coulrophobia
  C.  Dendrophobia
  D.  Zoophobia
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85. One who is inexperienced in anything.
  A.  Wacky
  B.  Novice
  C.  Inane
  D.  Barmy
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86. Pedestrian - one who goes on foot.
  A.  Pedestrian
  B.  Ophidiophobia
  C.  Geraphobia
  D.  Scoptophobia
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87. Sadist - a person who feels pleasure by hurting others.
  A.  Endearing
  B.  Appealing
  C.  Bonny
  D.  Cynosure
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88. Somniloquist - a person who talks in sleep.
  A.  Cocky
  B.  Egotist
  C.  Exultant
  D.  Pompous
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89. Hydrophobia - fear of water
  A.  Agoraphobia
  B.  Zoophobia
  C.  Necrophobia
  D.  Pedophobia
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90. Highbrow - a person considering himself to be superior in culture and intellect
  A.  Amatory
  B.  Salacious
  C.  Feminist
  D.  Lewd
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