371. Landscape – everything you can see when you look across a large area of land
  A.  Dactylology
  B.  Cryogenics
  C.  Chromatics
  D.  Calligraphy
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372. Flora – the plants of a particular area, type of environment or period of time.
  A.  Altophobia
  B.  Agoraphobia
  C.  Domatophobia
  D.  Pedophobia
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373. Fantasy – that teaches a moral lesson (animals) a pleasant situation that you imagine but that unlikely to happen
  A.  Hedonist
  B.  Misologist
  C.  Demagogue
  D.  Libertine
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374. Articulate – good at expressing ideas/ feelings clearly in words (speech)
  A.  Pedophobia
  B.  Xenophobia
  C.  Claustrophobia
  D.  Elurophobia
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375. Apprentice – a person who works for an expert to learn a trade
  A.  Coquette
  B.  Concubine
  C.  Pimp
  D.  Whore
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376. Adolescent – in the process of developing from a child into an adult
  A.  Expatriate
  B.  Masochist
  C.  Curator
  D.  Connoisseur
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377. Novice – a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation
  A.  Kleptomania
  B.  Philistine
  C.  Soliloquy
  D.  Translucent
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378. Ephemeral – lasting/ used for only a short period of time
  A.  Dilettante
  B.  Reticent
  C.  Bigot
  D.  Ineffable
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379. Apathy – the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic
  A.  Cynic
  B.  Debonair
  C.  Fanatic
  D.  Pedant
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380. Fauna – all the animals living in an area or in a particular period of history
  A.  Polyglot
  B.  Imposter
  C.  Philatelist
  D.  Epicure
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