11. I went to

P: which overlooked
Q: a large garden
R: the window
S: and a playground at the back

  A.  QSPR
  B.  RPQS
  C.  SPQR
  D.  SPRQ
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I went to the window which overlooked a large garden and a playground at the back.

12. Whenever you

P: ask for answers
Q: especially on full moon day
R: need direction in your life
S: in your dreams

  A.  PQRS
  B.  QRSP
  C.  PRSQ
  D.  QSPR
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Whenevery you need direction in your life, ask for answers in your dreams, especially on full moon day.

13. You always

P: can't keep up
Q: go all alone in business
R: with your pace
S: because others usually

  A.  RPSQ
  B.  QPSR
  C.  QSRP
  D.  QSPR
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You always go all alone in business because others usually can't keep up with your pace.

14. Gradually

P: I was ten times more
Q: I ever thought I could be
R: I discovered that
S: thoughtful than

  A.  RPSQ
  B.  PSRQ
  C.  QSRP
  D.  SPRQ
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Gradually, I discovered that I was ten times more thoughtful than I ever thought I could be.

15. When

P: I was very sorry to go
Q: I told Miss Beam that
R: had to leave
S: I finally

, .
  A.  QSRP
  B.  PQSR
  C.  SRQP
  D.  QPSR
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When I finally had to leave, I told Miss Beam that I was very sorry to go.

16. It is difficult for

P: a useless person
Q: a young child
R: brother as
S: to think of his

  A.  PSRQ
  B.  QSRP
  C.  RSQP
  D.  RQSP
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It is difficult for a young child to think of his brother as a useless person.

17. It has been proved that

P: weak in English
Q: Ravi was
R: right from his sixth class
S: although brilliant in Maths

  A.  RQPS
  B.  RQSP
  C.  QSPR
  D.  SQPR
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It has been proved that although brilliant in Maths Ravi was weak in English right from his sixth class.

18. Then

P: how eminently sharp it was
Q: splinter penetrated
R: of course
S: in my finger and

  A.  SQPR
  B.  RSPQ
  C.  QSPR
  D.  PQSR
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Then splinter penetrated in my finger and how eminently sharp it was of course.

19. I found in newspaper that

P: in a construction company
Q: were required for
R: experience and excellent communication skills
S: back office job

  A.  RQSP
  B.  PRQS
  C.  SPRQ
  D.  RQPS
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I found in newspaper that experience and excellent communication skills were required for back office job in a construction company.

20. Since inception

P: many types of fishes
Q: have managed to catch
R: the tribal people of Andaman and Nicobar
S: by a very peculier method

  A.  RSQP
  B.  RQPS
  C.  SRQP
  D.  SRPQ
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Since inception have managed to catch tribal people of Andaman and Nicobar with very peculier method many types of fishes.

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