Transfer of technology from one nation to another implies the transfer of technical knowledge either through a government procedure or via private channels of communications.
More than ever before the spiralling prosperity of USA depends on the ability of its policy makers to provide leadership and to deliver good governance and policies for the benefit of its people.
Your messages about winning fancy dress competition, or getting medals in sports etc. but my daughter such achievements are forcing me to think about your educational progress.
In the post-genetic engineering era of modern biology particulary in the last two decades, the mouse has gained the status of the experimental animal of choice for the entire research process.
There is a perception that reservation alone cannot transform the lives of oppressed people unless it is followed by intensive efforts to clear the backlog in respect of education and poverty alleviation policies.
The que was silent for so long that I checked my phone to see if the call had been missed.
I send a money order which will cover the price of magazine and its delivery charges.
But then, maybe Raju was one of those people who simply took a long time to solve the puzzle.
But it's been a long time since I have had any sleep, and I'm tired.
It was light enough to read the book under the lamppost and it seemed more like dawn or dusk.