1. In the somber

P: the french cut white beard
Q: and the prosthetic hand
R: was clearly visible withr
S: The big figure of an old man

  A.  SRPQ
  B.  PRSQ
  C.  SQRP
  D.  PQRS
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In the somber the big figure of an old man was clearly visible with the french cut white beard and the prosthetic hand.

2. Today

P: beyond his imagination
Q: exactly what he had been told
R: and he secured marks
S: my brother did

. Today my brother did exactly what he had been told and he secured marks beyond his imagination.
  A.  PSQR
  B.  SQRP
  C.  SPQR
  D.  QSRP
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The mission will carry a six-wheeled Rover which will move around the landing site in semi-autonomous mode as decided by the ground commands.

3. It is

P: before examinations
Q: in a month
R: which are due to start
S: the last picnic of our school

  A.  PRQS
  B.  QSRP
  C.  SPRQ.
  D.  SQRP
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It is the last picnic of our school before examination which are due to start in a month.

4. It is easier

P: to research on human body
Q: than to explore
R: in Bermuda triangle
S: for scientists

  A.  PSQR
  B.  RPSP
  C.  SPQR
  D.  QRSP
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It is easier for scientists to research on human body than to explore in Bermuda triangle.

5. You don't have to

P: think about us
Q: here and there to
R: waste time
S: find what your friends

  A.  RQSP
  B.  PQSR
  C.  SPQR
  D.  SQRP
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You don't have to waste time here and there to find what your friends think about us.

6. When water started to fill

P: we ran to the roof
Q: where many boys had gathered
R: to celebrate birthday party
S: suddenly in homes

When water started to fill suddenly in homes we ran to the roof where many boys had gathered to celebrate birthday party.
  A.  QRPS
  B.  SQRP
  C.  PQRS
  D.  SPQR
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When water started to fill suddenly in homes we ran to the roof where many boys had gathered to celebrate birthday party.

7. She told me that

P: a book which she had stolen
Q: and played it a lot
R: from her friend's home
S: she had found a flute in

  A.  SPRQ
  B.  PRSQ
  C.  RSPQ
  D.  PSRQ
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She told me that she had found a flute in a book which she had stolen from her friend's home and played it a lot.

8. He knows that

P: his own life
Q: the duty of a soldier
R: is to save his country
S: without taking care of

  A.  QRSP
  B.  SPQR
  C.  PSQR
  D.  QSPR
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He knows that the duty of a soldier is to save his country without taking care of his own life.

9. The old man

P: with new tyres and A.C
Q: having the capacity to pay high price
R: wanted to sell his car
S: to someone

  A.  RSQP
  B.  RPSQ
  C.  PRSQ
  D.  RSQP
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The old man wanted to sell his car with new tyres to someone having the capacity to pay high price.

10. DD reports that soldiers

P: following the week-end military
Q: of armies loyal to rival political factions
R: fought each other in the streets of the capital today
S: crack down on demonstrators

  A.  RSQP
  B.  SRQP
  C.  PRSQ
  D.  QRPS
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DD reports that soldiers of armies loyal to rival political factions fought each other in the streets of the capital today following the week-end military crack down on demonstrators.

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