21. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 40% less than a third number. What per cent is the first of the second?
  A.  120%
  B.  115%
  C.  135%
  D.  125%
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If two values are respectively a% and b% less than a third value, then the first value is
100 − a / 100 − b
x 100% of the second value.
Here, a = 25, b = 40
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Required value =
100 − 25 / 100 − 40
x 100 =
75 / 60
x 100 =
5 / 4
x 100 = 5 x 25 = 125
Hence, first value is 125% of the second value.

22. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 25% of a third number. What percentage is the first of the second?
  A.  75%
  B.  85%
  C.  80%
  D.  70%
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If X is a% of Y, and Z is b% of Y, then X is
a / b
x 100% of Z.
Here, a = 20, b = 25
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Required value =
20 / 25
x 100 =
4 / 5
x 100 = 4 x 20 = 80
Hence, X is 80% of the Z.

23. A man loses 12
1 / 2
% of his money and after spending 70% of the remainder, he is left with Rs 210. How much had he at first?
  A.  Rs 820
  B.  Rs 800
  C.  Rs 810
  D.  Rs 830
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If a% of a quantity is taken by the first, b% of the remaining is taken by the second and c% of the remaining is taken by the third person. Now, if Rs Z is left in the fund, then there was
Z x 100 x 100 x 100 / (100 − a)(100 − b)(100 − c)
fund in the begining.
Here, Z = 210, a = 12
1 / 2
or 12.5, b = 70
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Initial value =
210 x 100 x 100 / (100 − 12.5)(100 − 70)
210 x 100 x 100 / (87.5)(30)
= Rs 800
Hence, he had Rs 800 initially.

24. Prakash and chintu deposits Rs 1200 in a common fund. 20% of the initial amount is taken by Prakash and 40% of the remaining amount is taken by Chintu. How much is left in the common fund?
  A.  Rs 576
  B.  Rs 574
  C.  Rs 586
  D.  Rs 566
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If initial quantity is Z and a% of the quantity is taken by the first, b% of the remaining is taken by the second and c% of the remaining is taken by the third person. Then
Z x (100 − a)(100 − b)(100 − c) / 100 x 100 x 100
left in the fund.
Here, Z = 1200, a = 20, b = 40
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Left value =
1200 x (100 − 20)(100 − 40) / 100 x 100
1200 x 80 x 60 / 100 x 100
= Rs 576
Hence, left fund is Rs 576.

25. A man deposited 50% of the initial amount to his locker. And again after some time he deposited 20% of the increased amount. Now the amount becomes Rs 18,000. How much was the initial amount?
  A.  Rs 9,000
  B.  Rs 12,000
  C.  Rs 11,000
  D.  Rs 10,000
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If a% of the quantity is added. Again b% of the increased quantity is added. Again c% of the increased quantity is added. Now, it becomes Z, then the initial amount was
Z x 100 x 100 x 100 / (100 + a)(100 + b)(100 + c)
Here, Z = 18000, a = 50, b = 20
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Initial value =
18000 x 100 x 100 / (100 + 50)(100 + 20)
18000 x 100 x 100 / 150 x 120
18000 x 100 / 15 x 12
= 10000
Hence, initial amount was Rs 10,000.

26. A man has Rs 4800 in his locker two years ago. In the first year, he deposited 20% of the amount in his locker. In the second year, he deposited 25% of the increased amount in his locker. Find the amount at present in his locker.
  A.  Rs 7,600
  B.  Rs 7,200
  C.  Rs 7,400
  D.  Rs 6,200
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If initial amount is Z and a% of the initial amount is added. Again b% of the increased quantity is added. Again c% of the increased quantity is added. Now, the final amount is
Z x (100 + a)(100 + b)(100 + c) / 100 x 100 x 100
Here, Z = 4800, a = 20, b = 25
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Final value =
4800 x (100 + 20) x (100 + 25) / 100 x 100
4800 x 120 x 125 / 100 x 100
48 x 120 x 125 / 100
= 48 x 12 x 12.5 = 7200
Hence, Present amount is Rs 7200.

27. If the annual increase in the population of a town is 4% and the present number of people is 15,625, what will the population be in 3 years?
  A.  17,566
  B.  18,576
  C.  17,576
  D.  17,676
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If the original population of a town is P, and the annual increse rate is r%, then the population in n years is shown by P
1 +
r / 100
Here, P = 15625, r = 4, n = 3
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
= 15625
1 +
4 / 100
3 = 15625
1 +
1 / 25
3 = 15625
25 + 1 / 25
3 = 15625
26 / 25
3 = 15625
26 x 26 x 26 / 25 x 25 x 25
= 17576
Hence, population will be 17,576.

28. If the annual increase in the population of a town be 4% and the present population be 17576, What was it three years ago?
  A.  15,625
  B.  16,625
  C.  15,635
  D.  15,525
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If the annual increase rate in the population is r% and the present population be P, then the population n years ago is given by
P /
1 +
r / 100

Here, P = 17576, r = 4, n = 3
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Required population =
17576 / [1 + 4/100]3
17576 / [1 + 1/25]3
17576 / [(25 + 1)/25]3
17576 / 26/25 x 26/25 x 26/25
17576 x 25 x 25 x 25 / 26 x 26 x 26
= 25 x 25 x 25 = 15625
Hence, population was 15,625.

29. If the annual decrease in the population of a town is 5% and the present number of people is 40,000. What will the population be in 2 years?
  A.  36,200
  B.  36,100
  C.  35,100
  D.  36,150
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If the original population of a town is P and the annual decrease rate of the population is r%, then the population in n years will be P
1 −
r / 100
Here, P = 40000, r = 5, n = 2
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
= 40000
1 −
5 / 100
2 = 40000
1 −
1 / 20
2 = 40000
20 − 1 / 20
2 =
40000 x 19 x 19 / 20 x 20
= 1000 x 19 x 19 = 36100
Hence, population will be 36,100.

30. If the annual decrease in the population of a town be 4% and the present population be 57600, what was it two years ago?
  A.  62,400
  B.  63,500
  C.  62,500
  D.  62,600
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If the annual decrease rate in the population is r% and the present population be P, then the population n years ago is given by

P /
1 −
r / 100

Here, P = 57600, r = 4, n = 2
Using these value in shortcut, we get:
Required population =
57600 / [1 − 4/100]2
57600 / [1 − 1/25]2
57600 / [(25 − 1)/25]2
57600 / 24/25 x 24/25
57600 x 25 x 25 / 24 x 24
= 100 x 25 x 25 = 62500
Hence, population was 62,500.

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