51. The population of a town was reduced by 12% in the year 2010, In 2011, it was again reduced by 12%. What is the percentage in the population in the beginning of 2012?
  A.  22.56%
  B.  18.16%
  C.  24.36%
  D.  21.75%
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If a population decreases first by a% and again the decreases by b%, then there is
−a − b +
ab / 100
% net decrease.
Here, a = 12, b = 12
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
− 12 − 12 +
12x12 / 100
% =
− 24 +
144 / 100
% = −24 + 1.44 = −22.56%
Hence, net decrease of 22.56% in the population.

52. The difference between a discount of 35% and two successive discounts of 20% and 20% on a certain bill was Rs 22. Find the amount of the bill.
  A.  Rs 2,800
  B.  Rs 2,200
  C.  Rs 3,200
  D.  Rs 1,400
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Equivalent discount of two successive discounts =
20 + 20 −
20x20 / 100
40 −
400 / 100
% = 40 − 4 = 36%
Now as per question, difference between 35% discount and 36% discount = Rs 22 ⇒ 36% − 35% = 22
∴ Amount of the bill = 22 x 100 = 2200

53. The tax on commodity is diminished by 20% and its consumption increases by 15%. Find the effect on revenue.
  A.  10%
  B.  4%
  C.  -8%
  D.  -2%
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If a tax on commodity decreases first by a% and its compumption increases by b%, then there is
−a + b −
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 20, b = 15
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
−20 + 15 −
20x15 / 100
% =
−5 −
300 / 100
% = −5 − 3 = −8%
Hence, net decrease of 8% in the revenue.

54. If the price is increased by 10% and the sale is decreased by 5%, then what will be the effect on income?
  A.  +1.5%
  B.  +6%
  C.  +4.5%
  D.  +6.5%
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If the price on commodity increases first by a% and its sale decreases by b%, then there is
a − b −
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 10, b = 5
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
10 − 5 −
10x5 / 100
% =
5 −
50 / 100
% = 5 − 0.5 = +4.5%
Hence, net increase of 4.5% in the revenue or income.

55. If the price is decreased by 12% and sale is increased by 10% then what will be the effect on income?
  A.  -3.2%
  B.  +5%
  C.  +2 %
  D.  -2%
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If the price on commodity decreases first by a% and its sale increases by b%, then there is
−a + b −
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 12, b = 10
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
−12 + 10 −
12x10 / 100
% =
−2 −
120 / 100
% = −2 −
6 / 5
% = −2 − 1.2 = −3.2%
Hence, net decrease of 3.2% in the revenue or income.

56. Tax on commodity is diminished by 25% and consumption increases by 25%. Find the effect on revenue.
  A.  -2%
  B.  +5.25%
  C.  -3%
  D.  -6.25%
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If the price on commodity decreases first by a% and its consumption increases by b%, then there is
−a + b −
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 25, b = 25
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
−25 + 25 −
25x25 / 100
% =
0 −
625 / 100
% = −6.25%
Hence, net decrease of 6.25% in the revenue or income.

57. The land holding of a person is decreased by 10% due to late monsoon, the production decreases by 8%. Then what is the effect on the revenue?
  A.  -17.2%
  B.  -14.2%
  C.  +15.2%
  D.  -19.2%
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If the land holding of a person decreases by a% and his production decreases by b%, then there is
−a − b +
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 10, b = 8
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
−10 − 8 +
10x8 / 100
% =
−18 +
80 / 100
% = −18 + 0.8 = −17.2%
Hence, net decrease of 17.2% in the revenue or income.

58. The number of seats in a cinema hall is decreased by 5%. The price on a ticket is also decreased by 5%. What is the effect on the revenue collected?
  A.  -9.75%
  B.  -8.75%
  C.  -11.75%
  D.  +7.75%
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If the number of seats decreases by a% and the price of tickets gets also decreases by b%, then there is
−a − b +
ab / 100
% decrease or increase on revenue, +ve or -ve sign will show gain and loss respectively.
Here, a = 5, b = 5
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
−5 − 5 +
5x5 / 100
% =
−10 +
25 / 100
% = −10 + 0.25 = −9.75%
Hence, net decrease of 9.75% in the revenue or income.

59. The number of seats in a cinema hall is increased by 25%. The price on a ticket is also increased by 10%. What is the effect on the revenue collected?
  A.  +33.5%
  B.  +37.5%
  C.  -24.5%
  D.  +30.5%
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If the number of seats increases by a% and the price of tickets gets also increases by b%, then there is
a + b +
ab / 100
% net increase.
Here, a = 25, b = 10
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
25 + 10 +
25x10 / 100
% =
35 +
250 / 100
% =
35 +
5 / 2
% = 35 + 2.5 = 37.5%
Hence, net increase of 37.5% in the revenue.

60. The landholding of a person is increased by 10%. Due to early monsson, the production increases by 10%. Then what is the effect on renenue?
  A.  -24%
  B.  +11%
  C.  +27%
  D.  +21%
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If the landholding increases by a% and the production also increases by b%, then there is
a + b +
ab / 100
% net increase.
Here, a = 10, b = 10
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Net change =
10 + 10 +
10x10 / 100
% =
20 +
100 / 100
% = 20 + 1 = 21%
Hence, net increase of 21% in the revenue.

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