31. A can do a piece of work in 24 days. B is 20% less efficient than A. Find the number of days it takes B to do the same piece of work.
  A.  30 days
  B.  25 days
  C.  28 days
  D.  40 days
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shortcut method:

100 / 100-20
x 24 =
100 / 80
x 24 = 30 days

32. In 24 litres mixture of milk and water the ratio of milk and water is 3 : 1. How much water should be added in the mixture so that the ratio of milk to water becomes 2 : 1?
  A.  5 litres
  B.  3 litres
  C.  1 litres
  D.  8 litres
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Short cut method:

x(ad-bc) / c(a+b)
x=24 a=3 b=1 c=2 d=1 Applying these values in the short cut, we get:
24(3 x 1 - 1 x 2) / (3+1)2
24 / 8
= 3 litres

33. In 18 litres mixture of milk and water, the ratio of milk and water is 7 : 3. Find the quantity of water to be added in the mixture in order to make this ratio 3 : 7.
  A.  21 litres
  B.  24 litres
  C.  27 litres
  D.  26 litres
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Short cut method:

x(ad-bc) / c(a+b)
x=18 a=7 b=3 c=3 d=7 Applying these values in the short cut, we get:
18(7 x 7 - 3 x 3) / (7+3)3
= 24 litres

34. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 3 : 2. If 5 litres of water is added to the mixture, milk and water in the mixture become equal. Find the quantities of milk and water in the mixture.
  A.  Milk quantiy:15 litres; Water quantity: 10 litres
  B.  Milk quantiy:10 litres; Water quantity: 15 litres
  C.  Milk quantiy:20 litres; Water quantity: 15 litres
  D.  Milk quantiy:10 litres; Water quantity: 20 litres
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Short cut method: Quantity of milk in the mixture =

ax / c-b
Quantity of water in the mixture =
bx / c-b
x=4 a=3 b=2 c=3 Applying these values in the short cut, we get: Quantity of milk =
ax / c-b
3 x 5 / 3-2
= 15 litres Quantity of water =
bx / c-b)
2 x 5 / 3-2
= 10 litres

35. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 8 : 3. On adding 4 litres of water, the ratio of milk to water becomes 2 : 1. Find the quantities of milk and water in the mixture.
  A.  Milk quantiy:11 litres; Water quantity: 13 litres
  B.  Milk quantiy:32 litres; Water quantity: 12 litres
  C.  Milk quantiy:30 litres; Water quantity: 14 litres
  D.  Milk quantiy:12 litres; Water quantity: 32 litres
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Short cut method: Quantity of milk in the mixture =

ax / c-b
Quantity of water in the mixture =
bx / c-b
To follow the above theorem, we change the ratios in the form a:b and a:c. Then the ratios can be written as 8:3 and 8:4 x=4 a=8 b=3 c=4 Applying these values in the short cut, we get: Quantity of milk =
ax / c-b
8 x 4 / 4-3
= 32 litres Quantity of water =
bx / c-b
3 x 4 / 4-3
= 12 litres

36. An amount is to divided between two mens in the ratio of 3 : 5. If the share of one person is Rs 10 less than that of the other, find the amount.
  A.  Rs 40
  B.  Rs 25
  C.  Rs 45
  D.  Rs 30
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Short cut method:

Total sum / 10
3 + 5 / 5-3
∴ Total sum =
8 / 2
x 10 = Rs 40

37. The prices of a bike and bicycle are in the ratio of 9 : 5. If a bike cost Rs 4000 more than a bicycle, find the price of the bicycle.
  A.  Rs 4000
  B.  Rs 6000
  C.  Rs 3000
  D.  Rs 5000
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Short cut method:

Total sum / 4000
9 + 5 / 9 - 5
∴ Total sum =
14 / 4
x 4000 = Rs 14000

38. The sides of a hexagon are enlarged by 3 times. Find the ratio of the areas of the new and old hexagons.
  A.  9 : 1
  B.  1 : 6
  C.  1 : 9
  D.  2 : 3
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Shortcut method: In any two 2-dimensional figures, if the corresponding sides are in the ratio a:b, then their areas will be in the ratio a2:b2. we see that the ratio of the corresponding sides of the two hexagons is a:b = 1:3 By using the above short cut, we get The ratio of their areas is a2:b2 = 12:32 = 1:9

39. The ratio of the diagonals of two squares is 3 : 1. Find the ratio of their areas.
  A.  3 : 1
  B.  9 : 1
  C.  1 : 3
  D.  1 : 9
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Let ratio of the diagonals of two squares be a:b = 3:1 then, by using the short cut method, the ratio of areas of two squares be a2:b2 = 32:12 = 9:1

40. The ratio of the radius(or diameter or circumference) of two circles is 1 : 4. Find the ratio of their areas.
  A.  1 : 16
  B.  2 : 8
  C.  1 : 12
  D.  2 : 4
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Let ratio of the radius/diameter/circumference of two circle be a:b = 1:4 then, by using the short cut method, the ratio of areas of two squares be a2:b2 = 12:42 = 1:16

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