41. Had Janvi not known / about it she should / have stayed longer. / No Error
  A.  Had Janvi not known
  B.  about it she should
  C.  have stayed longer
  D.  No error
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Replace 'should' by 'would'. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

42. If she will finish her homework / I will give her / an ice-cream. / No Error
  A.  If she will finish her homework
  B.  I will give her
  C.  an ice-cream.
  D.  No error
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"will' is not required here. the sentence will be "If she finishes her homework." Hence, option A is the correct answer.

43. Not only we saw / the Prime Minister but also / the Home Minister of India. / No Error
  A.  Not only we saw
  B.  the Prime Minister but also
  C.  the Home Minister of India
  D.  No error
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Replace "Not only we saw" by "Not only did we see". Hence, option (A) is correct.

44. The two men were / quarrelling with one another / claiming the same watch as their own. / No Error (4) .
  A.  The two men were
  B.  quarrelling with one another
  C.  claiming the same watch as their own.
  D.  No error
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'one another' should be replaced by 'each other'. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

45. Neha is a very good fashion / designer but her designs are not / easily accessible with the public. / No Error
  A.   Neha is a very good fashion
  B.  designer but her designs are not
  C.  easily accessible with the public.
  D.  No error
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Replace "accessible with" by “accessible to”. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

46. These kind of clothes / are rather expensive / for me to buy. / No Error
  A.  These kind of clothes
  B.  are rather expensive
  C.  for me to buy.
  D.  No error
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Replace 'these kind of clothes' by 'These kinds of clothes'. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

47. The CEO has decided to visit all the / departments of the office tomorrow / evening to review of the situation. / No Error
  A.   The CEO has decided to visit all the
  B.  departments of the office tomorrow
  C.  evening to review of the situation.
  D.  No error
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Replace "evening to review of the situation" by "evening to review the situation". Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

48. Chilka is the / largest brackish water / lagoon in Asia. / No Error
  A.  Chilka is the
  B.  largest brackish water
  C.  lagoon in Asia.
  D.  No error
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There is no error in the sentence. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer. .

49. Rajni is planning to settle / in Mumbai as soon as / she retires in the August next year. / No Error
  A.   Rajni is planning to settle
  B.   in Mumbai as soon as
  C.  she retires in the August next year.
  D.  No error
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In the part (C) remove definite article ‘the’ Hence option C is correct.

50. Not only was it raining/ all day in the wedding/ but also the band was late./ No error
  A.  Not only was it raining
  B.  all day in the wedding
  C.  but also the band was late.
  D.  No error
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"in the wedding" should be replaced by 'at the wedding'. Hence, option B is correct.

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