Replace "Each person hold it" by "Each person holds it" . Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
Replace 'whom ' by 'that'
Use ‘Tina and I’ instead of ‘I and Tina’. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
Use ‘Whom’ instead of ‘Who’. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
Replace ‘which’ by ‘who’. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
Replace "his" by "one's". Hence, option (C) is the correct option.
Replace ‘they must be prepared’ by ‘one must be prepared’. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.
Use 'his task' instead of 'their task'. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.
Replace 'Anyone' be 'Either'.‘Either’ or ‘neither’ is used only in speaking of two persons or things; ‘any’, ‘no one’ and ‘none’ is used in speaking of more than two. Hence option A is correct.
Replace 'Neither' by 'None'. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.