51. Mr. Gupta with his wife / were running after a thief / yesterday in Mumbai. / No Error
  A.  Mr. Gupta with his wife
  B.  were running after a thief
  C.  yesterday in Mumbai
  D.  No error
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Replace "Mr. Gupta with his wife" by "Mr. Gupta and his wife" . Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

52. I was born / on 14th July, 1990 / in Allahabad. / No Error
  A.  I was born
  B.  on 14th July, 1990
  C.  in Allahabad
  D.  No error
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No error

53. Can you imagine / that she has thirty / five pair of shoes. / No Error
  A.   Can you imagine
  B.  that she has thirty
  C.  five pair of shoes
  D.  No error
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use plural form ‘pairs’ instead of singular form ‘pair’. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

54. Hardly had he come out of the / cinema hall then the bomb exploded / and shattered the hall completely. / No Error
  A.  Hardly had he come out of the
  B.  cinema hall then the bomb exploded
  C.  and shattered the hall completely.
  D.  No error
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Solution: 2 No sooner … than, hardly/scarcely…when. Example- Hardly had I arrived home when my phone rang. Use ‘when’ instead of ‘then’.

55. Because copper prices are going down / demand for alternative / products to copper are lessening. / No Error
  A.  Because copper prices are going down
  B.  demand for alternative
  C.  products to copper are lessening
  D.  No error
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subject ‘demand’ is singular – use singular verb ‘is’ instead of ‘are’. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

56. Her aunt didn’t / give me / a minute of peace. / No Error
  A.  Her aunt didn’t
  B.  give me
  C.  a minute of peace.
  D.  No error
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No error.

57. Aayushi has come / here to do a master / degree in Social Work. / No Error
  A.   Aayushi has come
  B.  here to do a master
  C.  degree in Social Work.
  D.  No error
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Replace ‘master’ with ‘master’s’ .( to do a master’s degree ) Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

58. There is no money in / the bank in Rajesh’s and / Reena’s joint account. / No Error
  A.  There is no money in
  B.  the bank in Rajesh’s and
  C.  Reena’s joint account
  D.  No error
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when two nouns “possess” the same entity, only the second takes an apostrophe ( ’ ): Use Rajesh instead of Rajesh’s. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

59. Not too long then, the / lodge was the only / place to stay here. /No Error
  A.  Not too long then, the
  B.  lodge was the only
  C.  place to stay here.
  D.  No error
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Sentence is based on the structure –If not……then
Part (A) should be 'If not too long then'. Hence option A is correct.

60. Unless you don’t obey / your elders you / will not succeed in your life. / No Error
  A.  Unless you don’t obey
  B.  your elders you
  C.  will not succeed in your life.
  D.  No error
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Unless means if this condition is not met (Unless you work hard , you won’t pass. ), Do not use negative word in the clause starting with conjunction unless. The correct usage should be unless you obey in part (A). Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

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