21. If 0° < θ < 0°, the value of sinθ + cosθ is
  A.  equal to 1
  B.  greater than 1
  C.  less than 1
  D.  equal to 2
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22. The value of
cot30° − cot75° / tan15° − tan60°
  A.  0
  B.  1
  C.  √3 − 1
  D.  −1
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23. The value of cot4.tan(90° − θ) − sec(90° − 4)cosecθ + (sin225° + sin265°) + √3(tan 5° tan 15°. tan 30°. tan75°.tan 85°) is:
  A.  1
  B.  −1
  C.  2
  D.  0
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24. If sin(3x − 20°) = cos (3y + 20°), then the value of (x + y) is:
  A.  20°
  B.  30°
  C.  40°
  D.  45°
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25. If cosθ cosec 23° = 1, the value of θ is:
  A.  23°
  B.  37°
  C.  63°
  D.  67°
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26. If 2 (cos2 θ − sin2θ) = 1, θ is a positive acute angle, then the value of θ is:
  A.   60°
  B.  30°
  C.  45°
  D.   22
1 /
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27. The value of (tan35° tan45° tan55° ) is
1 / 2
  B.  2
  C.  0
  D.  1
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28. The value of If sec (70 + 28°) = cosec (30° − 30) then the value of θ is
  C.  60°
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29. If tan (π/2 − θ/2) = √3, the value of cosθ is:
  A.  0
1 / √2
1 / 2
  D.  1
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30. If sec θ = x + 1/4x ( 0° < θ < 90°), then secθ + tan θ is equal to
x / 2
  B.  2x
  C.  x
1 / 2x
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