101. Human body contains _____ numbers of ribs.
  A.  26
  B.  28
  C.  24
  D.  30
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102. Hormones are produced by _____________ in human body.
  A.  Exocrine gland
  B.  Brunner’s glands
  C.  Both A & B
  D.  Endocrine glands
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103. ___________ is the largest blood vessel in the body and ____________ carries impure blood in human body.
  A.  Aorta, Pulmonary artery
  B.  Arteries, Pulmonary veins
  C.  Veins, Aorta
  D.  Capillaries, Pulmonary artery
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104. The world’s first heart transplant surgery was performed by ____________.
  A.  Dr. A. Benedict Cosimi
  B.  Dr. Christian Bernard
  C.  Dr. Emil Theodor Kocher
  D.  Dr. Allvar Gullstrand
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105. Periodic table contains ________ number of periods and _________ groups.
  A.  8, 16
  B.  9, 18
  C.  7, 22
  D.  7, 18
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106. The purest form of water that is considered to be
  A.  Rain water
  B.  Water from well
  C.  Bore water
  D.  Tap water
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107. Which one of the following is not a Noble gas?
  A.  Krypton
  B.  Argon
  C.  Hydrogen
  D.  Neon
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108. Human body contains ______________ acid.
  A.  Sulfuric acid
  B.  Hydrochloric acid
  C.  Nitric acid
  D.  Benzoic acid
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109. Which among the following non-metal is liquid at room temperature?
  A.  Phosphorous
  B.  Chlorine
  C.  Mercury
  D.  Bromine
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110. Radium is obtained from ____________.
  A.  Rutile
  B.  Haematite
  C.  Pitchblende
  D.  Limestone
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