21. Which is the lightest gas in the following options?
  A.  Helium
  B.  Hydrogen
  C.  Nitogen
  D.  Oxygen
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22. Which is the lightest metal in the following options?
  A.  Lithium
  B.  Potassium
  C.  Sodium
  D.  Rubidium
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23. Which metal has highest melting point?
  A.  Rhenium
  B.  Tantalum
  C.  Molybdenum
  D.  Tungsten
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24. Which is the hardest natural substance found on the earth?
  A.  Silicon carbide
  B.  Boron nitride
  C.  Diamond
  D.  Both A & B
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25. Largest diamond producing mine in the world is:
  A.  Catoca (Angola)
  B.  Orapa (Botswana)
  C.  Ekati (Canada)
  D.  Venetia (South Africa)
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26. Which of the following Vitamins are water soluble?
  A.  Vitamin B
  B.  Vitamin C
  C.  Both A & B
  D.  Vitamin E and F
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27. Which of the following are Fat soluble vitamins?
  A.  Vitamins B, D, E and K
  B.  Vitamins A, B, E and K
  C.  Vitamins A, D, B and K
  D.  Vitamins A, D, E and K
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28. Which types of Vitamins are made by body itself?
  A.  Vitamin D and E
  B.  Vitamin D and K
  C.  Vitamin E and K
  D.  Vitamin C and D
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29. Which of the following is Protein-Energy Malnutrition(P.E.M) disease?
  A.  Kwashiorkar and Marasmus
  B.  Kwashiorkar
  C.  Marasmus
  D.  None of these
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30. What are the symptoms of Kwashiorkar disease?
  A.  Swelling in abdomen and feet, Enlarged Liver
  B.  Anaemia, Scaly Skin, and Reddish hair
  C.  Both A & B
  D.  Weakness in bones
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