71. Name the most abundannt metal in the earth's crust.
  A.  Copper
  B.  Tin
  C.  Zinc
  D.  Aluminium
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72. Give the name of two important ores of aluminium.
  A.  Hematite and Magnetite
  B.  Pentlandite and Garnierite
  C.  Bauxite and Cryolite
  D.  Chromite and Crocoite
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73. Steel is an alloy of ______________ and __________________.
  A.  Iron and Tin
  B.  Iron and Carbon
  C.  Aluminium and Carbon
  D.  Tin and Carbon
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74. Stainless steel is an alloy of:
  A.  Iron, Nickel and Chromium
  B.  Iron, Tin and Chromium
  C.  Tin, Nickel and Chromium
  D.  Iron, Nickel and Tin
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75. Brass is an alloy of:
  A.  Copper and Nickle
  B.  Nickle and Zinc
  C.  Nickle and Tin
  D.  Copper and Zinc
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76. Bronze is an alloy of:
  A.  Zinc and Tin
  B.  Copper and Tin
  C.  Copper and Zinc
  D.  Lead and Zinc
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77. Solder is an alloy of:
  A.  Zinc and Tin
  B.  Lead and Copper
  C.  Lead and Tin
  D.  Lead and Zinc
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78. German silver is an alloy of:
  A.  Copper, Zinc and Nickel
  B.  Tin, Zinc and Nickel
  C.  Copper, Tin and Nickel
  D.  Copper, Zinc and Lead
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79. _____________ is an alloy of Aluminium, copper and traces of magnesium and manganese.
  A.  Magnalium
  B.  Duralium
  C.  Bell metal
  D.  Gun Metal
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80. What is the chemical name of Common salt?
  A.  Sodium hydroxide
  B.  Calcium chloride
  C.  Sodium chloride
  D.  Sodium carbonate
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