51. Malaria, Kala-Azar, Amoebic dysentry and Giardiasis are caused by _______________.
  A.  Bacteria
  B.  Virus
  C.  Protozoa
  D.  Fungus
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52. Salmonella and Staphylococci bacteria are responsible for____________.
  A.  Tooth decay
  B.  Fever
  C.  Diarrhoea
  D.  Food-Poisoning
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53. The fungus which is responsible for Food-poisoing is _____________.
  A.  Aspergillus
  B.  Zygomycota
  C.  Eomycota
  D.  All are correct
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54. Name a disease which is caused by the worm Filarial.
  A.  Trichomoniasis
  B.  Elephantiasis
  C.  Giardiasis
  D.  Toxoplasmosis
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55. Anaemia is caused by:
  A.  Roundworms
  B.  Tapeworms
  C.  Threadworms
  D.  Hookworms
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56. A defect that passes from generation to generation is called ______________ and a defect present from the time of the birth is called ____________.
  A.  Hereditary defect, Congenital defect
  B.  Congenital defect, Hereditary defect
  C.  Hereditary defect, Genital defect
  D.  Genital defect, Inborn defect
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57. What is symptom of Haemopilia disease?
  A.  Blood becomes thick easily
  B.  Blood does not flow easily
  C.  Blood does not clot easily
  D.  None of these
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58. Name the gas wich caused Bhopal gas tragedy.
  A.  Ethyl isocyanate
  B.  Methyl isocyanate
  C.  Propyl isocyanate
  D.  Butyl isocyanate
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59. Which radiation (UV rays, X-rays, gamma rays) is the most dangerous to human body?
  A.  Gamma rays
  B.  UV rays
  C.  X-rays
  D.  All of these
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60. The full form of D.D.T insecticide is:
  A.  dichloro-diphenyl-trichloromethane
  B.  dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorobutane
  C.  dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
  D.  dichloro-diphenyl-trichloropropane
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