31. Marasmus is a disease of?
  A.  Baby (2 year)
  B.  Baby (3 year)
  C.  Baby (4 year)
  D.  Infants (upto 1 year)
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32. What are the symptoms of Marasmus disease?
  A.  Wasting of muscles
  B.  Impaired digestion and extream weight loss
  C.  Both A & B
  D.  None of these
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33. What is the difference between Kwashiorkar and Marasmus?
  A.  Kwashiorkar is vitamin deficiency disease only while Marasmus is a protein, carbohydrates and fats deficiency disease
  B.  Kwashiorkar is protein deficiency disease only while Marasmus is a protein, carbohydrates and fats deficiency disease
  C.  Kwashiorkar is protein deficiency disease only while Marasmus is a vitamin and protein deficiency disease
  D.  Kwashiorkar is minerals deficiency disease only while Marasmus is a protein, minerals and fats deficiency disease
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34. Which pigement of blood is responsible for carring oxygen throughtout human body?
  A.  Haemoglobin
  B.  Hemocyanin
  C.  Chlorocruorin
  D.  None of these
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35. _____________ is the mineral contained by haemoglobin and deficiency of haemoglobin causes _____________.
  A.  Zinc; Wilson's disease
  B.  Cooper; Anaemia
  C.  Iron; Low WBC count
  D.  Iron; Anaemia
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36. Which type of vitamin responsible for anaemia?
  A.  Vitamin B2
  B.  Vitamin B12
  C.  Vitamin B4
  D.  Vitamin B1
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37. Goitre (an enlarged thyroid gland situation) is causes by deficiency of?
  A.  Copper
  B.  Zinc
  C.  Iodine
  D.  Both A & B
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38. Rickets is the disease caused by deficiency of?
  A.  Vitamin D and Minerals (calcium and phosphorus)
  B.  Vitamin B and Minerals (iron and phosphorus)
  C.  Vitamin E and Minerals (calcium and iron)
  D.  Vitamin F and Minerals (iron and zinc)
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39. Cod liver oil contains __________.
  A.  Vitamin B
  B.  Vitamin D
  C.  Vitamin C
  D.  Vitamin E
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40. Osteomalacia is a _______________.
  A.  Nightblindness of adults
  B.  Bone TB of adults
  C.  Rickets of adults
  D.  Myopia of adults
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