71. A man buys two goats for Rs 1350. He sells one so as to lose 6% and the other so as to gain 7.5%. On the whole he neither gains nor loses. What does each goat cost?
  A.  Cost of 1st goat: Rs 750; Cost of 2nd goat: Rs 600
  B.  Cost of 1st goat: Rs 750; Cost of 2nd goat: Rs 600
  C.  Cost of 1st goat: Rs 750; Cost of 2nd goat: Rs 600
  D.  Cost of 1st goat: Rs 750; Cost of 2nd goat: Rs 600
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72. By selling toffees at 32 a rupee, a man loses 40%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20%?
  A.  20
  B.  14
  C.  16
  D.  13
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73. By sellilng an book for Rs 19.50 a shopkeeper makes a profit of 30%. By how much should he increase his selling price so as to make a profit of 40%. Find tht SP also.
  A.  Increase in SP: Rs 2.5; SP: Rs 18
  B.  Increase in SP: Rs 1.5; SP: Rs 21
  C.  Increase in SP: Rs 1.5; SP: Rs 19
  D.  Increase in SP: Rs 1; SP: Rs 21
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74. By selling an item for Rs 160 a dealer makes a loss of 20%. By how much should he increase his selling price so as to make a profit of 25%. Also find the selling price.
  A.  Increase in SP: Rs 90; SP: Rs 250
  B.  Increase in SP: Rs 70; SP: Rs 220
  C.  Increase in SP: Rs 80; SP: Rs 205
  D.  Increase in SP: Rs 60; SP: Rs 240
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75. A man bought a goat at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at 40% increase on the original price. What percentage profit did he get?
  A.  70%
  B.  65%
  C.  75%
  D.  80%
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76. A man bought a bike at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at 40% increase on the price he bought it. What percentage of profit did he make on the original price?
  A.  12%
  B.  9%
  C.  13.5%
  D.  10%
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77. A scooter worth Rs 9000 is sold by A to B at 10% loss. B sells the scooter back to A at 10% gain. Who gains and who loses? Find also the values.
  A.  A's loss% = 10% and loss amount = Rs 800; B's gain% = 10% and gain amount = Rs 825
  B.  A's loss% = 9% and loss amount = Rs 810; B's gain% = 10% and gain amount = Rs 810
  C.  A's loss% = 8% and loss amount = Rs 790; B's gain% = 9% and gain amount = Rs 830
  D.  A's loss% = 9% and loss amount = Rs 810; B's gain% = 11% and gain amount = Rs 850
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78. Sam marks his items 25% above the cost price but allows 12.5% discount for cash payment. If he sells the item for Rs 875, fidn his cost price.
  A.  Rs 710
  B.  Rs 820
  C.  Rs 780
  D.  Rs 800
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79. A man sells edible oil at Rs 5 a liter, he loses Rs 200, but when he sells it at Rs 6 a litre, he gains Rs 150. How much milk did he purchase?
  A.  320 litres
  B.  390 litres
  C.  350 litres
  D.  380 litres
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80. A fruit seller makes a profit of 25% by selling watermelon at a certain price. If he charges Re 1 more on each mango, he would gain 50%. Find what price per potato did he sell at first. Also find the CP per watermelon?
  A.  CP per watermelon: Rs 4; First S.P: Rs 5
  B.  CP per watermelon: Rs 6; First S.P: Rs 3
  C.  CP per watermelon: Rs2 ; First S.P: Rs 4
  D.  CP per watermelon: Rs 3; First S.P: Rs 6
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