Directions (Questions 21 to 25) : Read the following information to answer the given questions:
A sales representative plans to vfisit each of six xompanies M, N, P Q, R and S exactly once during the course of one day. She is setting up her schedule for the day according to the following conditions:
(i) She must visit M before N and R.
(ii) She must visit N before Q.
(iii) The third company she visits must be P.

21. Which of the following must be true of the sales representative's schedule?
  A.  She visits M before Q
  B.  She visits N before R
  C.  She visits P before M
  D.  She visits P before S
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22. If the sales representative visits S first, which company must she visit second?
  A.  M
  B.  N
  C.  P
  D.  R
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23. The sales representative could visit any of the following companies immediately after P except:
  A.  S
  B.  R
  C.  M
  D.  Q
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24. If the sales representative visits Q immediately before R and immediately after S, she must visit Q:
  A.  First
  B.  Fourth
  C.  Fifth
  D.  Sixth
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25. Which of the following could be the order in which the sales representative visits the six companies?
  A.  M, S, P, N, R, Q
  B.  Q, N, P, R, S, M
  C.  M, R, N, Q, P, S
  D.  P, R, M, N, Q, S
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Directions (Questions 26 to 30) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
A training college has to conduct a refresher course for teachers of seven different subjects - Mechanics, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, Science and Engineering from 22nd July to 29th July.
(i) Course should start with Psychology.
(ii) 23rd July, being Sunday, should be holiday.
(iii) Science subject should be on the previous day of the Engineering subject.
(iv) Course should end with Mechanics subject. (v) Philosophy should be immediately after the holiday.
(vi) There should be a gap of one day between Economics and Engineering.

26. The refresher course will start with which one of the following subjects?
  A.  Psychology
  B.  Mechanics
  C.  Philosophy
  D.  Economics
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27. Which subject will be on Tuesday?
  A.  Mechanics
  B.  Engineering
  C.  Economics
  D.  Psychology
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28. Which subject preceds Mechanics?
  A.  Economics
  B.  Engineering
  C.  Philosophy
  D.  None of these
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29. How many days' gap is there between Science and Philosophy?
  A.  One
  B.  Two
  C.  Three
  D.  No gap
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30. Which subject is followed by Science?
  A.  Engineering
  B.  Psychology
  C.  Philosophy
  D.  Economics
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