Directions (Questions 31 to 33) : Read the following information to answer the given questions:
Five plays A, B, C, D and E are to be staged from Monday to Friday of a week. On each day, only one play will be staged. D or E should not be either the first or last to be staged. E shoujld be immediately followed by C. B should be staged immediately after D. One play is staged between A and B.

31. Which is the first play to be staged?
  A.  B
  B.  C
  C.  A
  D.  None of these
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32. Which of the following is the correct sequence of staging all the plays?
  A.  A D B C E
  B.  A E C D B
  C.  B D A E C
  D.  None of these
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33. Which play was staged on Wednesday?
  A.  B
  B.  A
  C.  Either B or C
  D.  None of these
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Directions (Questions 34 to 35): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Seven executives P, Q, R, S, T, U and W reach office in a particular sequence. U reaches immediately before P but does not immediately follow S. R is the last one to reach office. T follows immediately after P and is subsequently followed by W.

34. Among the executives, who reaches the office first?
  A.  Q
  B.  S
  C.  U
  D.  Can't be determined
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35. Who ranks fourth in the sequence of reaching office?
  A.  W
  B.  U
  C.  T
  D.  Can't be determined
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Directions (Questions 36 to 37) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Five men A B C D and E read a newspaper. The one who reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken from A. E was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between B and A.

36. B passed the newspaper to whom?
  A.  B
  B.  C
  C.  D
  D.  E
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37. Who read the newspaper last?
  A.  C
  B.  D
  C.  B
  D.  None of these
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38. Shekhar is taller than Kunal. Atul is taller than Pawan but not as tall as Kunal. Prashant is taller than Sheikhar. Who among them is the shortest?
  A.  Pawan(correct)
  B.  Kunal
  C.  Shekhar
  D.  Atul
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39. Seven persons P Q R S T U and V participate in and finish all the events of a series of swimming races. There are no ties at the finish of any of the events. V always finished somewhere ahead of P. P always finishes somewhere ahead of Q. Either R finishes first and t finishes last or S finishes first and U or Q finishes last. If in a particular race V finished fifth, then which one of the following would be true?
  A.  R finishes second
  B.  R finishes fourth
  C.  S finishes first
  D.  T finishes third(correct)
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40. There are five bus stips A B C D and E at equal intervals. C is not the middle stop. A and E are not terminal stops. C comes twice as many stops before D in upward journey as B comes after A. D is the first stop in downward journey. Which of the following gives the correct sequence of the stops in downward journey?
  A.  D A C E B
  B.  D A E C B
  C.  D C B A E
  D.  D E A C B(correct)
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