101. The most distinguished ruler of the Chalukyan dynasty was
  A.  Jayasimha II
  B.  Vikramaditya VI
  C.  Somesvara II
  D.  Pulakesin II
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102. "Harsha Charita" was written by
  A.  Kalidasa
  B.  Valmiki
  C.  Banabhatta
  D.  Vyasa
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103. The capital of Kanishaka was
  A.  Benares
  B.  Purushapura
  C.  Allahabad
  D.  Sarnath
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104. In which language were the Buddhist texts 'Pitakas' composed ?
  A.  Pali
  B.  Ardhamagadhi
  C.  Sanskrit
  D.  Prakrit
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105. Who was called India's Napoleon because of his victories?
  A.  Skandagupta
  B.  Chandragupta
  C.  Samudragupta
  D.  Brahmagupta
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106. The Pallavas ruled from
  A.  Kanchipuram
  B.  Madurai
  C.  Tajhore
  D.  Tiruchendur
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107. Which ruler murdered his father, Bimbisara to ascent the throne?
  A.  Ashoka
  B.  Ajatasatru
  C.  Kaniskha
  D.  Simukha
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108. Alexander and the army of Porus camped on the opposite banks of this river
  A.  Ravi
  B.  Chenab
  C.  Sutlej
  D.  Jhelum
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109. Who were the first to issue gold coins in India?
  A.  Mughals
  B.  Tatars
  C.  Kushans
  D.  Aryans
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110. Who among the following were the first to invade India?
  A.  Arabs
  B.  Mongols
  C.  Afghans
  D.  Turks
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