361. In which city of South Africa was Gandhi beaten up and thrown off the pavement by the white people?
  A.  Cape Town
  B.  Pretoria
  C.  Johannesburg
  D.  Durban
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362. Which Governor General had entertained Ranjit Singh with great honour at Ropar?
  A.  Minto I
  B.  Hastings
  C.  William Bentinck
  D.  Auckland
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363. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad started an Urdu Weekly. The Al-Hilal in 1912, but on its being banned by the Government, he founded at Al-Balagh in
  A.  1913
  B.  1915
  C.  1914
  D.  1916
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364. High Courts owere established in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in
  A.  1861
  B.  1919
  C.  1892
  D.  1935
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365. Which of the following reform movements was the first to be started in the 19th century?
  A.  Prarthana Samaj
  B.  Arya Samaj
  C.  Brahmo Samaj
  D.  Rama Krishna Mission
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366. Who developed the idea that "means justify the ends"?
  A.  Mahatma Gandhi
  B.  Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  C.  Swami Dayanand Saraswati
  D.  Kautilya
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367. Provincial Autonomy was one of the important features of the Act of
  A.  1919
  B.  1935
  C.  1909
  D.  1858
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368. Who represented India in the Second Round Table Conference?
  A.  Sucheta Kripalani
  B.  Anne Besaint
  C.  Aruna Asaf Ali
  D.  Sarojani Nadu
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369. The adminstrative consequence of the Revolt of 1857 was tranfer of power from
  A.  East India Company to Governor General
  B.  British Crown to the East India Company
  C.  East Indian Company to British Crown
  D.  British crown to the board of Directors
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370. The split between the 'Extremists' and 'Moderates' came up in the open at the Surat Congress Session i the year
  A.  1907
  B.  1905
  C.  1908
  D.  1910
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