131. Coins made of metal first appeared in
  A.  Harappan Cvililisation
  B.  Age of the Buddha
  C.  Later Vedic Age
  D.  Age of the Mauryas
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132. Arrange the following Magadhan dynasties in chronological order

I Nandas

II Sisunagas

III Mauryas

IV Haryankas
  A.  IV, II, III I
  B.  II, I, IV, III
  C.  IV, II, I III
  D.  III, I, IV, II
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133. Which of the following is not the "Tri Ratna" of Jainism?
  A.  Right faith
  B.  Right Knowledge
  C.  Right conduct
  D.  Right view
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134. The Greeks were driven out of India by
  A.  Chandragupta Murya
  B.  Chandragupta Vikramditya
  C.  Ashoka
  D.  Bindusara
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135. The Great Bath of Indus Valley Civilization is found at:
  A.  Harappa
  B.  Ropar
  C.  Mohenjodaro
  D.  Kalibangan
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136. Who was the court poet of Harsha Vardhana?
  A.  Bhani
  B.  Bana
  C.  Ravi Kirti
  D.  Vishnu Sharma
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137. Kalinga war took place in the year
  A.  240 BC
  B.  263 BC
  C.  232 BC
  D.  261 BC
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138. The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of
  A.  Chandra Gupta I
  B.  Samudra Gupta
  C.  Chandra Gupta II
  D.  Kumara Gupta II
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139. Varahamihira is an/a
  A.  Astromer
  B.  Astronaut
  C.  Space Shuttle
  D.  Power Station
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140. Which one of the following Vedas contains sacrficial formulae?
  A.  Sama Veda
  B.  Yajur Veda
  C.  Rig Veda
  D.  Atharva Veda
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