511. Which Governor General was called as the 'Father of Local Self-Government' in India?
  A.  Lord Wellesley
  B.  Lord Ripon
  C.  Lord William Bentinck
  D.  Lord Canning
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512. What was the chief objective of the 'Wahabi movement'?
  A.  Purify Islam
  B.  Forge cordial relations with British
  C.  Improved the condition of women
  D.  Adopt rational education
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513. Which of the following was published by Gandhiji during his staying South Africa?
  A.  Young India
  B.  African Opinion
  C.  Nav Jivan
  D.  Indian Opinion
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514. Who is referred to as 'Frontier Gandhi'?
  A.  Sheikh Abdullah
  B.  Manilal Gandhi
  C.  Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
  D.  Gopal Krishna Gokhale
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515. What was the immediate cause of the Mutiny of 1857?
  A.  The discontentment of the soldiers
  B.  The use of greased cartridges in the new Enfield Rifle
  C.  The social conditions of Inida
  D.  The introduction of railways and telegraphs
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516. Who introduced the "Doctrine of Lapse" to expand British territories in India?
  A.  Lord Hastings
  B.  Lord Wellesley
  C.  Lord Dalhousie
  D.  Lord William Bentinck
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517. The Sharda Act is realated to
  A.  Upliftmentof scheduled tribes
  B.  Upliftment of minorities
  C.  Empowermnet of women
  D.  Child Marriage
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518. Who was the founder of Arya Samaj?
  A.  Acharya Narendra Dev
  B.  Dayan and Saraswati
  C.  Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  D.  Acharya Vinoba Bhave
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519. During whose Viceroyalty, the captial of India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?
  A.  Lord Harding
  B.  Lord Canning
  C.  Lord Lytton
  D.  Lord Clive
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520. The Working committee of National Congress sanctioned the resolution named 'Quit India ' at:
  A.  Mumbai
  B.  Nagpur
  C.  Wardha
  D.  Delhi
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