41. The tutor of Alexander, the Great was
  A.  Darius
  B.  Aristotle
  C.  Socrates
  D.  Cyrus
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42. Who propounded the "Eight-Fold Path' for the end of misery of mankind?
  A.  Mahavir
  B.  Adi Shankaracharya
  C.  Gautam Buddha
  D.  Kabir
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43. "Charak" was the famous court physician of
  A.  Harsha
  B.  Chandra Gupta Maurya
  C.  Ashoka
  D.  Kanishka
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44. India's trade with the Roman Empire came to an end with the invasion of Rome by
  A.  Hunas
  B.  Hungarians
  C.  Arabs
  D.  Turks
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45. 'Bull' in Buddhism ia associated with which event of Buddha's life
  A.  Enlightenment
  B.  Great departure
  C.  Birth
  D.  Mahaparinirvan
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46. Which of the following would be the most accurate description of the Mauryan Monarchy under Ashoka?
  A.  Centralised autocracy
  B.  Enlightened despotism
  C.  Oriental despotism
  D.  Guided democracy
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47. The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the
  A.  Palas
  B.  Kushanas
  C.  Mauryas
  D.  Guptas
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48. Lothal is a site where dockyards of which of the following civilization were found?
  A.  Egyptian
  B.  Mesopatamian
  C.  Indus Valley
  D.  Persian
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49. Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription?
  A.  Samudra Gupta
  B.  Chandra Gupta Maurya
  C.  Vikramaditya
  D.  Skand Gupta
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50. Which metal was first used by the Vedic people?
  A.  Silver
  B.  Copper
  C.  Iron
  D.  Gold
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