61. Seleucus Nicator was defeated by
  A.  Chandragupta Maurya
  B.  Asoka
  C.  Bindu sara
  D.  Brihadratha
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62. The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was
  A.  Agrarian Civilization
  B.  Urban Civilization
  C.  Mesolithic Civilization
  D.  Paleolithic Civilization
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63. After the death of Alexander the Easter part of his empire came under
  A.  Menander
  B.  Seleucus Nicator
  C.  Rudrakaman
  D.  Kanishka
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64. The early Buddhist scriptures were composed in
  A.  Pali texts
  B.  Prakrit texts
  C.  Sanskrit texts
  D.  Pictographical texts
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65. Gautama Buddha was born at
  A.  Kusinagar
  B.  Lumbini
  C.  Bodh Gaya
  D.  Sarnath
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66. Who was the mother of Mahavira
  A.  Trishala
  B.  Anojja
  C.  Chetaka
  D.  Devanandi
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67. The paintings of Ajanta depict the stories of
  A.  Ramayana
  B.  Mahabharta
  C.  Panchatantra
  D.  Jataka
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68. Poet Kalidasa lived in the court of:
  A.  Chandragupta Maurya
  B.  Samudragupta
  C.  Chanddragupta Vikramaditya
  D.  Harsha
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69. Who was called 'Second Ashoka'?
  A.  Samudra Gupta
  B.  Kanishka
  C.  Chandra Gupta Maurya
  D.  Harshavardhana
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70. The fous Kailashanth temple at Kanchi was built by
  A.  Narasimhavarman II
  B.  Mahendravarman I
  C.  Nandivarman II
  D.  Dantivarman
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