The pie graph given here shows the break-up of the cost of construction of a house. Assuming that the total cost of construction is Rs 6,00,000, answer the question.

11. The amount spent on cement is
  A.  Rs 2,00,000
  B.  Rs 1,60,000
  C.  Rs 1,20,000
  D.  Rs 1,00,000
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12. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on steel by.
  A.  5 per cent of the total cost
  B.  10 per cent of the total cost
  C.  12 per cent of the total cost
  D.  15 per cent of the total cost
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13. The amount spent on cement steel and supervision is what per cent of the total cost of construction?
  A.  40%
  B.  45%
  C.  50%
  D.  55%
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14. The amount spent on labour exceeds the amount spent on supervision by
  A.  Rs 2,00,000
  B.  Rs 1,60,000
  C.  Rs 1,20,000
  D.  Rs 60,000
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The pie chart given here shows the breakup of the cost of construction of a house on various heads. Study the chart and answer the questions.

15. If the total cost of construction of the house is Rs 15,00,000, how much amoun t of money was spent on labour?
  A.  Rs 90,000
  B.  Rs 2,50,000
  C.  Rs 3,60,000
  D.  Rs 3,75,000
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16. The total expenditure incruued on bricks, steel and cement is what per cent of the total cost of consturction?
  A.  50%
  B.  54%
  C.  72%
  D.  75%
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17. Expenditure incurred on timbe r is what per cent of the expenditure on cement?
  A.  36%
  B.  50%
  C.  72%
  D.  18%
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18. Out of the total cost Rs 15,00,000 of construction how much amount of money was spent on labour and supervision combined together?
  A.  Rs 1,44,000
  B.  Rs 3,00,000
  C.  Rs 6,00,000
  D.  Rs 7,50,000
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