The following pie-chart represents the result of 600 successful students in various subjects at an examination. Study the chart and answer question.

statistics and data"
43. The ratio of students who passed in Bengali, to the students who passed in History is:
  A.  1:2
  B.  2:1
  C.  3:4
  D.  3:5
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44. The number of students passed in Bengali is greater than the number of students passed in History by
  A.  150
  B.  60
  C.  120
  D.  100
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45. The percentage of students who passed in English is:
  A.  15%
  B.  20%
  C.  5%
  D.  12%
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46. The number of students passed in Englishis less than the cumber of student spassed in Mathematics by:
  A.  50
  B.  60
  C.  90
  D.  75
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47. The highest number of students passed in a subject in percentage.
  A.  20%
  B.  20%
  C.  40%
  D.  35%
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The following Pie chart shows the export of different foodgrains from India i 2010. Study the chart and answer the questions:

48. Of the total export of foodgrains, the percentage of crop B exported is:
  A.  15%
  B.  20%
  C.  18%
  D.  10%
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49. If a total of 1.5 million quintals of crop F was exported, the amount of total foodgrains exported i(in million) quintals was
  A.  8.7
  B.  12
  C.  140.8
  D.  9.6
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50. The three crops which combine to contribute to exactly 50% of the total export of foodgrains are :
  A.  A, F and others
  B.  B, C and F
  C.  A, B and C
  D.  C, F and others
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51. If a total of 1.5 million quintals of crop F was exported, then the total qualityt of D and E that was exported (in million quintals) was
  A.  1.2
  B.  1.5
  C.  4.5
  D.  6.5
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52. If the revenue from 1 unitals of crop A is thrice that from 1 unital of crop C, then the ratio of the total revenue of A and C is:
  A.  1 : 6
  B.  2 : 3
  C.  3 : 2
  D.  6 : 1
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