The pie-chart, given here, shows the land distribtuion of a village.

Study the pie-chart and answer the quetion based on it.

35. The ratio of the waste land to the cultivated land is:
  A.  4 : 3
  B.  3 : 2
  C.  2 : 1
  D.  3 : 1
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36. What percent of total land is used for cultivation?
  A.  24%
  B.  25%
  C.  50%
  D.  90%
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37. If the total area of the village is 7200 acres, the total area of the wet land is:
  A.  1028 acres
  B.  5040 acreas
  C.  3600 acres
  D.  1400 acres
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38. The land used for roads is what per cent of the inhabited land?
  A.  66 2/3%
  B.  48%
  C.  33 1/3%
  D.  30%
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The pie-chart given below shows the number of students enrolled in a school in different activities. Total number of students in the school is 1200. Study the chart and answer the questions.

39. How many students are enrolled in N.C.C activities?
  A.  180
  B.  120
  C.  72
  D.  240
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40. What is the total number of students enrolled in Debating Club and HRD Club?
  A.  144
  B.  216
  C.  288
  D.  72
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41. The number of students enrolled in Eco-club is what per cent of those enrolled in Redcross activities?
  A.  94.24%
  B.  95.45%
  C.  82.45%
  D.  104.76%
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42. What is the ratio of number of students enrolled in Scout and Redcross activities together to tohose enrolled in Debating Club activities?
  A.  3:1
  B.  4:1
  C.  1:4
  D.  1:3
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