Following is the pie-chart showing the spendings of a family on various items in a particular year

Study the pie chart ad answer question.

statistics and data"
53. The ratio of the total amount spent for food and medicine is:
  A.  1:2
  B.  3 : 1
  C.  12 : 5
  D.  11 : 5
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54. If the total amount spent on the family during the year was Rs 50,000, how much they spent for buying clothes?
  A.  Rs 6,250
  B.  Rs 6,500
  C.  Rs 7,250
  D.  Rs 7,500
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55. If the total amount spent on the family during the year was Rs 35,000, the amount spent for study of children and food together was:
  A.  Rs 19,250
  B.  Rs 19,500
  C.  Rs 19,750
  D.  Rs 19,850
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56. Angle of the pie chart representing the expenditure on entertainment is:
  A.  15°
  B.  10°
  C.  36°
  D.  12 1/2°
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57. If the difference in the amount spent for buying clothes and house maintenance ws Rs 1500, how much they spent for house maintenance?
  A.  Rs 5,000
  B.  Rs 6,000
  C.  Rs 7,000
  D.  Rs 8,000
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Circle graph given below shows the expenditue incurred in bringing out a book by a publisher. Study the graph and answer the question

58. The central angle of the sector for the cost of the paper is:
  A.  22.5°
  B.  16°
  C.  54.8°
  D.  57.6°
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59. Royality on the book is less than the Advertisement charges by
  A.  3%
  B.  25%
  C.  20%
  D.  16 2/3%
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60. If 5500 copies are published, Miscellaneous expenditures amounts to Rs 1848 and publisher's profit is 25%, then marked price of each copy is:
  A.  Rs 12.50
  B.  Rs 10.50
  C.  Rs 10.00
  D.  Rs 8.40
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61. If the cost of printing is Rs 17,500, the Royality is:
  A.  Rs 8,750
  B.  Rs 6,300
  C.  Rs 7,500
  D.  Rs 3,150
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62. It the Miscellaneous charges is Rs 6000, the Advertisement charges are:
  A.  Rs 27,000
  B.  Rs 90,000
  C.  Rs 12,000
  D.  Rs 1,333.33
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