The pie graph given here shows the spendings of a family on various heads during a month. study te graph and answer the following questions.

19. If the total income of the family is Rs 25,000, then the amount spent on Rent and Food together is
  A.  Rs 17,250
  B.  Rs 14,750
  C.  Rs 11,250
  D.  Rs 8,500
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20. What is the ratio of the expenses on Education to the expenses on Food?
  A.  1 : 3
  B.  3 : 1
  C.  3 : 5
  D.  5 : 3
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21. Expenditure on Rent is what per cent of expenditure on Fuel?
  A.  135%
  B.  156%
  C.  167%
  D.  172%
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22. Which three expenditures together have a central anagle of 108°?
  A.  Fuel, Clothing and Others
  B.  Fuel, Education and Others
  C.  Clothing, Rent and Others
  D.  Education, Rent and Others
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The pie chart given here shows the marks obtained by a student in an examination.

If the total marks obtained by him in the examination were 540, answer the questions given below based on this pie chart.

23. In which subject, did the student obtained 105 marks?
  A.  Maths
  B.  Social studies
  C.  Science
  D.  Hindi
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24. What is the central angle corresponding of Science?
  A.  40°
  B.  80°
  C.  75°
  D.  60°
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25. How many more marks were obtained by the student in Maths than those in Hindi?
  A.  30
  B.  20
  C.  10
  D.  40
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26. How many marks were obtained by the student in Science?
  A.  130
  B.  120
  C.  125
  D.  140
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