111. Mortar is a mixture of water,sand and
  A.  Gypsum
  B.  Quick lime
  C.  Limestone
  D.  Slaked lime
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112. Which of the following subtance is highly plastic?
  A.  Quartz
  B.  Mica
  C.  clay
  D.  Granite
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113. Carbon monoxide is an inflamable gas.whcih one of the following is also inflammable?
  A.  Helium
  B.  Hydrogen
  C.  Oxygen
  D.  Nitrogen
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114. Ozone consists of
  A.  Oxygen only
  B.  Oxygen and Nitrogen
  C.  Hydrogen and Carbon
  D.  Oxygen and carbon
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115. The isotope used for the production of atomic energy is
  A.  U - 234
  B.  U - 238
  C.  U - 235
  D.  U - 236
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116. If all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man,it may cause poisoning by
  A.  Lead
  B.  Mercury
  C.  Iron
  D.  Arsenic
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117. The chemical(s) most commonly used for cloud seeding or 'artificial rainmakinng' is/are
  A.  Sodium Chloride
  B.  Silver Iodide
  C.  Dry ice or frozen carbon dioxide
  D.  All the above
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118. Galena is a mineral of
  A.  Iron
  B.  Gold
  C.  Calcium
  D.  Lead
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119. Epsom salt is used
  A.  in paper
  B.  in softening
  C.  as purgative
  D.  in making tooth paste
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120. The common refrigerant in domestic refrigerator is
  A.  Freon
  B.  Oxygen
  C.  Nitrogen
  D.  Neon
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