11. Which of the following gas is present under pressure in soft drinks?
  A.  Carbon dioxide
  B.  Nitrogen
  C.  Oxygen
  D.  Nitrous oxide
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12. The substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is
  A.  Water
  B.  Type iron
  C.  Aluminium
  D.  Cast metal
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13. The radio active element used in jkheart pacemakers is
  A.  Deuterium
  B.  Uranium
  C.  Plutonium
  D.  Radium
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14. Table salt get moist during rainy season because
  A.  sodium chloride contains hygroscopic impurities like magnesium chloride
  B.  sodium chloride is deliquesc ent
  C.  sodium chloride contains some quantity of sodium iodide
  D.  Sodium chloride is hygroscopic
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15. Which of the following is used as a lubricant in healvy machines?
  A.  Bauxite
  B.  Graphite
  C.  Phosphorous
  D.  Sulphur
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16. The anode in a dry cell consists of __________________ while the cathode consists of _____________.
  A.  Zinc, Carbon
  B.  Copper, Zinc
  C.  Zinc, Cadmium
  D.  Carbon, Graphite
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17. Milk is a colloidal system in which
  A.  Water is dispersed in fat
  B.  Fat is dissolved
  C.  Fat and water are dispersed in each other
  D.  Fat is dispersed in water
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18. The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is
  A.  Invertase
  B.  Maltase
  C.  Zymase
  D.  Diastase
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19. Galvanization is the
  A.  deposition of tin on iron
  B.  deposition of zinc on iron
  C.  deposition of copper on irn
  D.  deposition of aluminium on iron
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20. Fermentation of milk to curd is due to:
  A.  Lactobacillus
  B.  Staphylococcus
  C.  Mycobacterium
  D.  Yeasts
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