31. Which among the following elements is found in maximum percentage in the human body?
  A.  Oxygen
  B.  Hydrogen
  C.  Nitrogen
  D.  Carbon
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32. Which among the following stage is suitable indicator when solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulphuric acid?
  A.  Mehylene blue
  B.  Methyl orange
  C.  Phenolphthaline
  D.  Methyl red
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33. Which among the following is pure matter
  A.  Air
  B.  Brass
  C.  Carbon dioxide
  D.  Iron
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34. Which among the following coal contains 90 percent of carbon?
  A.  Lignite
  B.  Bitumen
  C.  Anthracite
  D.  Peat
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35. Nucleus of an atom consistes of.
  A.  Proton and Neutron
  B.  Neutron
  C.  Proton
  D.  Electron, Proton and Neutron
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36. Bauxite is an alloy of which of the following metals?
  A.  Silver
  B.  Tin
  C.  Iron
  D.  Aluminium
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37. Quartz is made up of:
  A.  Sodium Silicate
  B.  Calcium Sulphate
  C.  Calcium Silicate
  D.  Sodium Sulphate
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38. Which of the following is ozone depleting pesticide?
  A.  Methyl bromide
  B.  Benzene
  C.  DDT
  D.  Ethylene ozonide
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39. Isobars are lines joining places having equal
  A.  Rainfall
  B.  Pressure
  C.  Population
  D.  Height above sea-level
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40. The most suitable vessel for storing concentrated sulphuric acid is:
  A.  Copper vessel
  B.  Aluminium vessel
  C.  Earthen vessel
  D.  Glass vessel
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