21. By which organic compound all the oils are known?
  A.  Carbohydrate
  B.  Hydrocarbon
  C.  Protein
  D.  Easter
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22. The atomic numaber of carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is 12. How many are there protons in the nucleus of carbon?
  A.  6
  B.  12
  C.  18
  D.  zero
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23. The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicle which causes air pollution is
  A.  Carbon Monoxide
  B.  Methane
  C.  Ozone gas
  D.  Carbon dioxide
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24. The acid used in lead storange cells is
  A.  Phosphoric acid
  B.  Hydrochloric acid
  C.  Sulphuric acid
  D.  Nitric acid
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25. What is the most commonly used substance in fluorescent tubes?
  A.  Sodium oxide and argon
  B.  Sodium vapour and argon
  C.  Mercury vapour and neon
  D.  Mercury oxide and neon
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26. What is "milk of magnesia" chhemically?
  A.  Maagnesium carbonate
  B.  Sodium bicarbonate
  C.  Magnesium hydroxide
  D.  Calcium hydroxide
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27. Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with
  A.  Alcohol
  B.  Keroscene oil
  C.  Glycerine
  D.  Fats
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28. The natural source of hydrocarbon is
  A.  Biomass
  B.  Crude oil
  C.  Coal
  D.  Carbohydrates
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29. Which of the following is chiefly present in LPG?
  A.  Butane
  B.  Ehtane
  C.  Propane
  D.  Methane
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30. Humbruger effect is otherwise known as
  A.  Sodium pump
  B.  Anaerobic metabolism
  C.  Chloride shift
  D.  Respiratory product
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