51. Saccharin is made up of
  A.  Phenol
  B.  Toluene
  C.  Propane
  D.  Butane
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52. PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of
  A.  Propane
  B.  Styrene
  C.  Vinyl chloride
  D.  Acetylene
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53. Which amidst the following is not a gem stone?
  A.  Pearl
  B.  Topaz
  C.  Opal
  D.  Cat's eye
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54. The metallic constituents of hard water are:
  A.  Calcium, magnesium and iron
  B.  Iron, tin and calcium
  C.  Magnesium, calcium and tin
  D.  Magnesium, tin and iron
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55. Which of the following imparts deep blue colour to glass
  A.  Cobalt oxide
  B.  Cupric oxide
  C.  Nickel oxide
  D.  Ferrous oxide
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56. Which of the following is used as filler in tyre of rubber?
  A.  Coal
  B.  Carbon black
  C.  Coke
  D.  Graphite
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57. Which of the following alloy is used in making magnet
  A.  Duralumin
  B.  Stainless steel
  C.  Magnalium
  D.  Elniko
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58. The polymerisation of which of the following is used in manufacturing of polythene in industry?
  A.  Methane
  B.  Styrene
  C.  Ethylene
  D.  Acetylene
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59. Which of the following is the main nitrogenous waste in humans
  A.  Uric Acid
  B.  Urea
  C.  Ammonia
  D.  Ammonium Nitrate
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60. Aspirin is
  A.  Methoxy benzoid acid
  B.  Acetyle Salicilic acid
  C.  Methyl Salicilate
  D.  Phenyl Salicilate
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