121. Molasses a by-product in the manufacture of sugar, is converted into
  A.  Paper
  B.  Alcohol
  C.  Fuel
  D.  Pulp
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122. Mercury is a :
  A.  Liquid metal
  B.  Solid metal
  C.  Solid non-metal
  D.  Liquid non-metal
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123. Spirit in contact with body gives cool sensation because it is :
  A.  liquid
  B.  transparent
  C.  a good conductor
  D.  highly volatile
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124. Burning pyrites ore gives out
  A.  Carbon dioxide gas
  B.  Nitrogen dioxide gas
  C.  Sulphur dioxide gas
  D.  Nitric oxide gas
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125. Which of the following is used to increase the anti-knocking property of petrol?
  A.  Tetramethyl lead
  B.  Tetraethyl lead
  C.  Trimethyl lead
  D.  Triethly lead
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126. The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is
  A.  Calcium sulphate
  B.  Calcium chloride
  C.  Calcium phosphate
  D.  Calcium borate
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127. Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is
  A.  0.01
  B.  0.05
  C.  2.0
  D.  1.0
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128. The chief source of naphthalene is
  A.  Diesel
  B.  Coal- tar
  C.  Charcoal
  D.  Camphor
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129. One carat of diamond is equal to
  A.  200 mg
  B.  150 mg
  C.  100 mg
  D.  250 mg
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130. The process by which milk is converted to curd is called
  A.  Pasteurization
  B.  Vernalization
  C.  Fermentation
  D.  Retting
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