41. What is the element that is in the highest percentage in the composition of the earth
  A.  Silicon
  B.  Magnesium
  C.  Oxygen
  D.  Iron
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42. Formation of ozone hole is maximum over
  A.  Africa
  B.  India
  C.  Europe
  D.  Antartica
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43. The advantage of detergents over soaps is
  A.  Detergents give lather even with hard water
  B.  Detergents could not give much lather
  C.  Detergents are soluble in water
  D.  Soaps give lather with only soft water
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44. Bleaching action of moist sulphur di-oxide is because of its
  A.  basic property
  B.  oxidising property
  C.  acidic property
  D.  reducing property
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45. Which of the following gases will effuse out of football bladder most quickly?
  A.  He
  B.  O2
  C.  N2
  D.  H2
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46. Which of the following alkali metals has highest specific heat?
  A.  Lithium
  B.  Rubidium
  C.  Potassium
  D.  Caesium
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47. Which of the following is a natural dye
  A.  Crystal violet
  B.  Aniline blue
  C.  Alizarin
  D.  Phenolphthalein
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48. The ratio of pure gold in 18 carate gold is:
  A.  60%
  B.  75%
  C.  80%
  D.  90%
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49. Which of the following elements is non-radioactive?
  A.  Uranium
  B.  Thorium
  C.  Plutonium
  D.  Zirconium
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50. What is the element required for solar energy conversion?
  A.  Beryllium
  B.  Tantalum
  C.  Silicon
  D.  Ultra pure carbon
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