81. The substance most commonly used as a food preservative is
  A.  sodium salt of benzoic acid
  B.  tartaric acid
  C.  acetic acid
  D.  sodium carbonate
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82. Which of the following gases is most toxic?
  A.  Carbon dioxide
  B.  Carbon monoxide
  C.  Sulphur dioxide
  D.  Chlorine
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83. Sour milk contains
  A.  acetic acid
  B.  lactic acid
  C.  citric acid
  D.  tartic acid
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84. Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because
  A.  it is the lightest gas
  B.  it is highly inflammable
  C.  it is absorbed by plants
  D.  it immediately combines with oxygen to form water
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85. By-product obtained by soap-industry is-
  A.  Caustic soda
  B.  Glycerol
  C.  Naphthalene
  D.  Caustic potash
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86. For determination of the age of which among the following is carbon dating method used?
  A.  Fossils and Rocks
  B.  Trees
  C.  Both A & B
  D.  None of the above
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87. A substance which readily forms colloidal solution in contact with water is called
  A.  Extrinsic colloid
  B.  Associated colloid
  C.  Hydrophobic colloid
  D.  Hydrophilic colloid
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88. Preparation of 'Dalda or Vanaspati' ghee from vegetable oil utilizes the following process:
  A.  Hydrolysis
  B.  Oxidation
  C.  Hydrogenation
  D.  Ozonolysis
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89. Which gas is used as fire extinguisher?
  A.  Carbon monoxide
  B.  Carbon dioxide
  C.  Carbon suboxide
  D.  Sulphur dioxide
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90. Which one of the following is extensively used for sterilizing water?
  A.  Bleaching powder
  B.  Alum
  C.  Borax powder
  D.  Soda powder
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