141. ……… is a written description of a computer program’s functions.
  A.  Explanatory instructions
  B.  Graphical user interface
  C.  Documentation
  D.  README files
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142. Translator program used in assembly language is called
  A.  translation
  B.  compiler
  C.  interpreter
  D.  assembler
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143. The ……… program is used to convert mnemonic code to machine code.
  A.  Assembler
  B.  Debug
  D.  C + +
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144. The function of an assembler is
  A.  to convert basic language into machine language
  B.  to convert assembly language into machine language
  C.  to convert high level language into machine language
  D.  to convert assembly language into low level language
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145. Compiling creates a (n)
  A.  Subroutine
  B.  Algorithm
  C.  Error-free program
  D.  Executable program
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146. Computer programs are written in a high level programming language, however the human readable version of a program is called
  A.  Source code
  B.  Application
  C.  Word size
  D.  Instruction set
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147. A set of step-by-step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a (n)
  A.  Hardware program
  B.  Software
  C.  Algorithm
  D.  Firmware program
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148. ……… are words that a programming language has set aside for its own use.
  A.  Control structures
  B.  Reserved words
  C.  Control words
  D.  Reserved keys
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149. In programming, repeating some statements is usually called
  A.  compiling
  B.  control structure
  C.  structure
  D.  looping
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150. . ......... is a cross between human language and a programming language.
  A.  The Java virtual machine
  B.  The compiler
  C.  Pseudocode
  D.  Java
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