251. ............ provides total solutions to reduce data redundancy, inconsistency, dependence and unauthorised access of data.
  A.  DBMS
  B.  Database
  C.  Centralisation of data
  D.  Protection password
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252. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, relationships, semantics and constraints is referred to as
  A.  E-R model
  B.  database
  C.  data model
  D.  DBMS
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253. ......... is one reason for problems of data integrity.
  A.  Data inconsistency
  B.  Data availability constraints
  C.  Unauthorised access of data
  D.  Security constraints
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254. Oracle is a (n)
  B.  hardware
  C.  system software
  D.  operating system
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255. The purpose of the primary key in a database is to
  A.  provide a map of the data
  B.  establish constraints on database operations
  C.  uniquely identify a record
  D.  unlock the database
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256. The particular field of a record that uniquely identifies each record is called the
  A.  primary field
  B.  master field
  C.  order field
  D.  Monitor
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257. ......... is an invalid type of database key.
  A.  Atomic primary key
  B.  Structured primary key
  C.  Primary key
  D.  Composite primary key
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258. Key to represent relationship between tables is called
  A.  secondary key
  B.  composite key
  C.  primary key
  D.  foreign key
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259. Dr. E F Codd represented ......... rules that a database must obey if it has to be considered truly relational.
  A.  6
  B.  10
  C.  12
  D.  8
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260. A logical schema
  A.  is a standard way of organising information into accessable part
  B.  describes how data is actually stored on disk
  C.  is the entire database
  D.  All of the above
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