351. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as
  A.  E-trading
  B.  E-selling n buying
  C.  E-finance
  D.  E-salesmanship
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352. Which of the following is a group of servers that share work and may be able to back each other up if one server fails?
  A.  Channel bank
  B.  Cluster
  C.  Serverless backup
  D.  All-in-one
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353. Which of the following will be used if a sender of E-mail wants to bold, italics, etc the text message?
  A.  Reach format
  B.  Reach signature
  C.  Rich text
  D.  Plain format
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354. A cookie
  A.  stores the password of the user
  B.  stores software developed by the user
  C.  stores information about the user’s Web activity
  D.  stores the commands used by the user
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355. Which of the following terms is associated with Internet E-mail?
  A.  Bookmark
  B.  Slide presentation
  C.  Plotter
  D.  Pie chart
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356. A stored link to a Web page, in order to have a quick and easy access to is later, is called
  A.  Length
  B.  Field
  C.  WP-Link
  D.  Bookmark
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357. Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the Internet?
  A.  Instanotes
  B.  Instant messaging
  C.  Chat
  D.  Electronic-mail
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358. A host on the Internet finds another host by its
  A.  IP address
  B.  electronic address
  C.  postal address
  D.  name
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359. Verification of a login name and password is known as
  A.  accessibility
  B.  authentication
  C.  configuration
  D.  logging in
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360. If you are allowing a person on the network based on the credentials to maintain the security of your network, then this act refers to the process of
  A.  Encryption
  B.  Firewall
  C.  Automation
  D.  Authentication
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