321. Telnet is a ......... based computer protocol.
  A.  sound
  B.  image
  C.  text
  D.  animation
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322. Through ………, an administrator or another user can access someone else’s computer remotely.
  A.  http
  B.  Web server
  C.  administrator
  D.  telnet
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323. Which protocol provides E-mail facility among different hosts?
  A.  SMTP
  B.  FTP
  D.  SNMP
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324. What is the full form of VoIP?
  A.  Voice of Internet Power
  B.  Voice over Internet Protocol
  C.  Voice on Internet Protocol
  D.  Very Optimised Internet Protocol
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325. WWW stands for
  A.  World Wide Wizard
  B.  Wide World Web
  C.  World Wide Wonder
  D.  World Wide Web
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326. The ………… uses an addressing scheme known as URL indicate the location of files on the web.
  A.  World Wide Web
  B.  java script
  C.  SQL
  D.  String
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327. What is a Website?
  A.  A place from where we can get information in documents and files
  B.  A site that is owned by any particular
  C.  A location on the world wide web
  D.  A place from where we can access Internet
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328. A Website address is a unique name that identifies a specific ......... on the Web.
  A.  Web browser
  B.  Website
  C.  PDA
  D.  link
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329. A (n) ……… appearing on a Web page opens another document when clicked.
  A.  reference
  B.  anchor
  C.  URL
  D.  hyperlink
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330. A Website is collection of
  A.  graphics
  B.  programs
  C.  Web pages
  D.  algorithms
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