301. Switches work on which OSI layer?
  A.  Network layer
  B.  Transport layer
  C.  Physical layer
  D.  Data link layer
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302. A packet filtering firewall operates at whcih of the following OSI layers?
  A.  at the gateway layer
  B.  at the network layer
  C.  at the application layer
  D.  at the transport layer
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303. In the following list of devices which device is used in network layer?
  A.  Repeaters
  B.  Router
  C.  Application Gateway
  D.  Switch
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304. Multiplexing involves ……… path(s) and ……… channel(s).
  A.  one, multiple
  B.  multiple, one
  C.  multiple, multiple
  D.  one, one
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305. A processor that collects the transmissions from several communication media and send them over a single line that operates at a higher capacity is called
  A.  bridge
  B.  router
  C.  multiplexer
  D.  hub
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306. In networks, a small message used to pass between one station to another is known as
  A.  Token
  B.  Byte
  C.  Word
  D.  Ring
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307. What does the acronym ISP stand for?
  A.  Internal Service Provider
  B.  Internet Service Provider
  C.  International Service Provider
  D.  Internet Service Providing
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308. A programme, either talk numeric that is made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet is called ……… .
  A.  blog
  B.  broadcast
  C.  vodcast
  D.  podcast
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309. The standard protocol of the Internet is
  A.  Java
  B.  HTML
  C.  TCP/IP
  D.  flash
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310. Each IP packet must contain
  A.  source and destination addresses
  B.  only destination address
  C.  source or destination address
  D.  only source address
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