151.If you are performing Windows 98 operating system to Windows XP you are performing a(n)
  A.  update
  B.  pull down
  C.  push up
  D.  patch
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152. Which of the following is not a version of the Windows operating system software for the PC?
  A.  XP
  B.  Linux
  C.  98
  D.  95
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153. What is Windows Explorer?
  A.  Personal Computer
  B.  Network
  C.  File Manager
  D.  Web Browser
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154. Graphical pictures that represent an object like file, folder, etc. are
  A.  task bar
  B.  windows
  C.  icons
  D.  desktop
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155. To display the contents of a folder in Windows Explorer,you should…….
  A.  click on it
  B.  collapse it
  C.  give it a password
  D.  name it
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156. Which of the following is used to access a file from the computer store?
  A.  Print
  B.  Insert
  C.  File
  D.  Retrieve
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157. In the split window mode, one title bar looks darker than the other, because
  A.  darker title bar shows active window
  B.  darker title bar shows window not in use
  C.  darker title bar shows unavailable window
  D.  Both ‘1’ and ‘2’
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158. End menu is available at which button?
  A.  Start
  B.  Restart
  C.  End
  D.  Turn off
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159. Why do you log-off from your computer when going out from your office?
  A.  Logging off is mandatory before you go out
  B.  Someone might steal your files, passwords, etc.
  C.  In order to save electricity
  D.  Logging off is essential to increase performance
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160. Which of the following refers to the rectangular area for displaying information and running programs?
  A.  Icon
  B.  Menu
  C.  Desktop
  D.  Window
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